
The Department of Education website provides resources that are available for parents/caregivers to use for Learning At Home, with resources available for each year group.

Other activities you can do with your child at home to help develop their skills include:

  • Singing songs and nursery rhymes daily (days of the week, alphabet, months in the year, weather, numbers to 10)
  • Clapping out or stepping out words in a simple sentence (e.g – “I like cats” = 3 claps)
  • Rhyming words (“rhymes with ‘at‘, starts with p – pat …, rhymes with ‘at’, starts with ‘c’ -cat)
  • Syllables: using a drum or body parts to break up syllables in words
  • Oral Blending cvc words (e.g. “c…a…t = cat, d..o..g = dog)
  • Play other listening games such as “Simon Says” and “What’s the time Mr Wolf”
  • Tracing over their own name and then writing own name independently (practise)
  • Matching a collection of objects to 10 orally and written digits
  • Make playdough
  • Cooking
  • Build an obstacle course
  • Build a castle
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Fantasy Play
  • Drawing and explaining what they have drawn
  • Reading Picture Books and asking questions
  • Write out letters and ask students to identify them. Name and sound
  • Counting of objects
  • Practise counting to 10 – forwards and backwards
  • Identifying signs and colours
  • Cards
  • Board games
  • Dance
  • Gardening
  • Riding a bike
  • I spy – select objects starting with a chose sound
  • Memory
  • Puzzles
  • Building blocks
  • Hygiene practise
  • Discussions about a range of topics. For example, the past, favourite games, things they like to do
  • Make a storybook out of photos or pictures.

Website Links to help develop following skills:

Another useful website that directs readers to free educational sites that include science links, maths links and reading links is: