Baler Early Learning Program

The main purpose of the program is to support parents to develop the skills of enhancing early literacy and numeracy as their child’s first teacher. This program links in with other health services to ensure each child is supported in their developmental journey. Families are encouraged to become familiar with the school grounds, get to know the teacher and be involved in school programs to build early relationships with the school.

Our Early Learning Program is run by a Kindergarten teacher who has been trained in an Abecedarian/3A approach and supported by a parent committee.

This approach focuses on:

– Language priority

– Learning games to develop skills

– Conversational reading (encouraging back and forth communication)

– Enriched caregiving (Learning how to add educational content to daily routines of care)

WHEN: Every Thursday and Friday during school terms

TIME: 8:30am-10:30am

WHERE: Sandpiper 8 – Baler Primary School. Baler Close, South Hedland

COST: Free! You will need to register for a session to attend and it is subject to availability.

For more information please find us on Primary School Early Learning Program or contact the Early Learning Program Teacher and Coordinator, Abigail Warham by email or phone 91728400

NGALA Information

Further information visit the Ngala website

Practical Parenting Workshops available at the Child and Parent Centre – 2023

Playgroup Calendar for all Hedland locations

Speech Pathology Drop-in Clinic for 0-4yr olds every Monday 10 – 11am at the Child and Parent Centre